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Account Setup

2 min read

The ARBA Auto app has some social networking features. In the application you can communicate with other car owners.

Other users can see the usual data set: your avatar, name, username and bio.

An account in the ARBA Auto app can be public or private. By default, it is public and other users can see the following information about your vehicles: car photo, name, model, make and model year. At any time you can switch your account to private mode and then even this data will be hidden.

In addition, in the public account for each vehicle, you can make the following tabs public or private: Blog, Mods and Description.

All other information, including data on expenses, income, maintenance, all types of reports, etc., cannot be published and is visible only to the account owner.

To set up an account, click on your avatar image or in the upper left corner of the “burger” menu and then tap on your name. You will be taken to your account screen with vehicles. Click “Edit” in the upper right corner.

In the user profile settings, you can:

  • Edit information, replace username and avatar;
  • Enable “Private Mode” and completely hide your cars;
  • Change the base currency (it is recommended to set it once and not change it again);
  • Change password;
  • Delete your account. In accordance with GDPR, the account will be deleted permanently and it will be impossible to restore your data.

If you have forgotten your username or password, you can always retrieve it through the application. On the login screen, click “Get help signing” in and enter your email address. You will receive an email with a link. Click on it and after a short time you will receive another email with a newly created password.

If you registered using external services (Facebook, Google, Apple), then you can generate a password with the method described above. If you don’t remember which service you used or which email you signed up with, write to us, we’ll be happy to help.