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Fuel Tracking

< 1 min read

Navigate to the “Timeline” tab, click on the “pencil” and then tap the “Add refueling” button. In the absence of this button, add a fuel tank.

Which fields to fill in the “Refueling” form depend on the method you want to keep records of. The ARBA Auto application supports two methods: standard and optimal. We encourage you to check them out and choose the one that suits you.

Regardless of the method you choose, you can enter more information about refueling in the “More options” section if necessary. Upload a photo of the invoice, select the refueling address on the map and, using the reference books “Budget”, “Fuel grade”, “Fuel economy”, make marks that can be used in analytics in the future.

You can also make a purchase in a foreign currency by selecting it from the list. When you save a record, the application will convert this transaction to the base currency at the official exchange rate on the date of the transaction. Regardless of the accounting method, the application will calculate all the indicators, and you can see them in reports.