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A dashboard with key indicators is placed on the “Reports” tab.

By default, the dashboard displays data for the current month, but you can choose any other.

In addition, you can choose another period:

  • Specified month (current by default)
  • YTD: Year (January 1 to December 31)
  • 1Y: Last 12 months
  • ALL: All history

Further, the dashboard shows line by line the values of mileage, expenses, income, as well as the average consumption for each type of fuel (up to 3 per car).

You can change the reporting currency and view all financial indicators in foreign currencies. Tap “Settings”, select the currency and click “Update”. The calculation will be made taking into account the official exchange rates on the date of each individual transaction recorded in the “Timeline” feed.

At the very bottom of the screen, in the “Depreciation” section, you can enter the current market value – this value is necessary to calculate the cost of owning a car.