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Recurring Expenses

1 min read

Some expenses may be recurring, such as paying for insurance, renting a garage, paying interest on a loan, and so on.

In the ARBA Auto app, these expenses can be entered in just two clicks, but for this you first need to create a template.

Navigate to the “Timeline” tab, click the “pencil” button, then Add an expense. Fill in the required fields, but leave the mileage field blank. Click “More options” and scroll down to the option “Repeat every..”. Check the box and specify the frequency with which you want to pay, for example, “every 2 months”. Save. The template is ready. It has been saved in the “Upcoming” section as a reminder that payment must be made on a certain date.

When the payment is made, click on this entry in the form that opens, check / correct the date of consumption, specify the mileage if possible, and click the “Complete” button. Based on this template, an actual expense will be created. This expense will appear in the corresponding month in the Timeline feed, and a new record of the next payment will appear in “Upcoming”. Please note that the planned expenses listed in the “Upcoming” section are not taken into account in the charts in the “Reports” tab.